Main Stage

8.45 walk & talk

A wellbeing stroll with Richard Loftus - Meet at the main stage

9.30 welcome

Sheryl, Sunaina, Mac, Scarlett

09.40 keynote

Maceo Owens, The ERG Movement

10.00 Panel: Engaging Members

Moderator: Rico Johnson-Sinclair, Training and Skills Director at Warner Bros

10.40 Starting a men’s network

Tafadzwa Muchenje, Founder of Channel 4’s The Shed Employee Network

11.20 PANEL: leading without burning out

Moderator: Sophia Nicholls, Non-profit Leadership and Disability Consultant

12.00 how ERGs work effectively with DEI

Jak Matthews, Inclusion, Equity and Diversity Manager, Ex-Pride Network Deputy Chair at BT

12.30 LUNCH

1.30 Panel: plan like a pro

Moderator: Richard Loftus, Creative Marker & Founder of Well Run Brum

2.10 Speaker: leading large networks

Mandisa Gordon, Finance Transformation Manager and REACH network Chair at JLR

2.50 PANEL: securing budget

Moderator: Joanne Conway, Global Head of Inclusion & Culture at DLA Piper

3.30 celebrating success

Niharika Khanna, Head of SMS - Group Ops Manager and Chair of Embrace Network at Serco

4.10 Panel: Leadership Buy-In

Moderator: Sheryl Miller, Founder of the ERG Summit and Reboot Global

4.50 closing

5-6.30 Network

Drinks reception and networking

learning labs

10.00 - 10:30

11.20 - 11:50

Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Recruitment Process: Insights and Strategies

Join Anton Boner, Co-Founder of Screenloop, as he shares practical strategies for retaining diverse talent throughout the hiring cycle. Participate in hands-on activities to explore inclusive recruitment practices and how to leverage AI tools for a fair and effective hiring process.

12.00 - 13:30

Cultivating Eco-Leaders: Driving Engagement in Green Teams

Are you looking to start a green team or seeking ways to invigorate your existing ERGs? Join On Hand for a dynamic, interactive roundtable where we explore practical strategies to get everyone involved with simple, impactful actions.

In this live workshop, you'll discover best practices for attracting and retaining members, effectively communicating knowledge, setting achievable goals, and motivating your team to transition from awareness to action.

We’ll delve into techniques to engage your employees and drive a transformative shift in your company culture towards sustainability.

Whether you aim to foster greater participation in your green initiatives or lead a broader cultural change, this session equips you with the essential tips and tricks to empower your Green Teams to make a tangible impact.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn, share, and develop the leadership and engagement needed to drive your ERG's success.

13.30 - 14:00

14.50 - 15:20

Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Recruitment Process: Insights and Strategies

Join Anton Boner, Co-Founder of Screenloop, as he shares practical strategies for retaining diverse talent throughout the hiring cycle. Participate in hands-on activities to explore inclusive recruitment practices and how to leverage AI tools for a fair and effective hiring process.

15.30 - 16:00

Community Champions: Leveraging ERGs for Volunteering and Social Good

Do you have a volunteering policy in place, but find that uptake and engagement are low? Join On Hand for an interactive roundtable session where we explore how to tap into your community champions to encourage broader involvement with your CSR program.

In this session, you'll hear inspiring success stories from other businesses, learn about common challenges, and get top tips on maximising engagement. We'll also discuss strategies for securing buy-in from senior management to support your initiatives.

We’ll share proven techniques and best practices to boost your engagement rates, celebrate those who are already giving back, and drive a cultural change across your organisation.

Whether you're looking to enhance your existing efforts or kickstart a new wave of volunteerism, this session will equip you with the tools and insights to build a vibrant and impactful social impact community within your ERG.